Scheme to install RFID chips on wheelie bins to be paused

A scheme which sees smart chips installed on wheelie bins has been pa​used.

Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council has installed a small number of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags to a number of wheelie bins with an aim to bring more efficiency to bin round collections.

The tags can be used, for example, as a way of checking if all bins on a round have been processed. They can also provide data on recycling rates across the borough, as well as providing a way of reuniting misplaced bins to their rightful home.

Wheelie bins are replaced for a range of reasons, sometimes because they have been stolen from residents' properties, meaning the council's refuse service has to purchase new bins every year. A total of 720 of the new stock had the microchips installed, which has cost the council £648.

The council will now pause the implementation of the scheme as it will be considered by councillors as part of a broader recycling strategy which will be finalised in the summer.

Councillor Barry Hunt, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Environment at Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council said: “There have been various rumours about the cost of the RFID bin tags which have been inaccurate, but we are keen to set the record straight with our residents. 

“At present, only a small investment has been made – a total of £648 – on the tags, which cost 90p to the council when added to the purchase of a new bin, or 67p when supplied separately.

“Another rumour is that this is a method for bringing in additional charges for waste. Again, this is incorrect; the advantage of the tags is that we can make our waste and recycling collections more efficient to improve the services to the public.

“As a council, we are always looking for innovative ways to improve the delivery of our services, honour our commitment for a cleaner and greener environment and to create better value for money for our residents. Although we are keen to press ahead with bringing more digital solutions in place, we think it's right that the bin tag scheme is included as part of our broader recycling strategy which will be considered by councillors later this year. We will not be purchasing any more tags until then." ​