Vaccination pop-up success, as number jabbed climbs beyond 2000

LAST Saturday, 30 October, almost 400 people braved the rain in Loftus to receive their first, second or booster Covid jab from the council's pop-up clinic team.

This incredible figure has succeeded in achieving the borough's record number of people vaccinated at a pop-up clinic in one day, and brings the total number of residents jabbed by the team to 2229 people.

The council's Public Health, Community Development and Covid Ambassador teams have been supported by the NHS, MFC Foundation and SLM Everyone Active over the course of 9 pop-up sessions so far, developing excellent partnerships and enabling the 2229 residents to receive a vaccine within their own community.

Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Welfare, Steve Kay, said:

“We have been incredibly pleased with the response to every session which has been put on; but the turn-out in Loftus last Saturday was truly fantastic. Many of these residents would have had to travel much further had the sessions not been brought to them. A great deal more people have a higher level of protection, as a direct result of this scheme, than they otherwise would have done. A huge well done must go to all involved."​​