Knitted Christmas tree put up in Ormesby

A knitted Christmas tree is now on display in Ormesby thanks to the hard work of local volunteers.

The Ormesby Library Knitters helped create the 11-foot tree by knitting hundreds of squares which are wrapped around a wooden frame, built by local resident George Brook.

The tree is located on the grass verge just above the A174 flyover and it is hoped the structure will be a Christmas feature for years to come.

Ward members for Ormesby, Councillors Carole Morgan and Irene and Glyn Nightingale contributed their time to the project.

Councillor Morgan said:

“We started this project last year, so it’s fantastic to finally see it up for everyone to enjoy.

“We have attached some fairy lights to it, so it can be seen day and night and we hope it spreads Christmas cheer to our residents and visitors far and wide. It’s a beautiful creation, and I want to thank everyone across the area who contributed to the knitting and donated funds to the project.

“We hope this will be a feature for Ormesby for years to come.”