The Queen's Platinum Jubilee - Day 3

The festivities for the Platinum Jubilee continued over the weekend.

The third day of the Platinum Jubilee had a festive start a special ceremony and parade in Loftus, attended also by the Mayor Stuart SMith, in honour of Her Majesty's 70-year on the throne anniversary 


Military parade on the streets of Loftus



The Mayor Stuart Smith saluting the participants of the parade in Loftus celebrating the Jubilee.



A young girl and her father watching the parade in Loftus.

The East Cleveland Arts Centre, Brotton was open this weekend offering people the chance to try out jubilee themed photography, clay making, cushion making and colouring. A group pf local artists was present to help the participants during the activities.


Photographer taking a Jubilee themed picture of a boy.



Woman showing her Jubilee themed pillow embroidery.


Crowds were charmed at the Guisborough Priory woodland by Cleveland Ukes and got to visit many stalls with local crafts and products during a family fun day while a scarecrow festival took place at Liverton.


Children visiting a stall at the family fun day at Gisborough Priory.



Children enjoying a crating activity at the family fun day at Gisborough Priory.



Family decorating a cake at the scarecrow festival in Liverston.

Another party was organised by The Saltburn Friends of the Valley at the woodland centre near the tea rooms at the Saltburn Valley Gardens where an Ukulele concert took place.


Ukulele performers giving a concert at the Saltburn StandBand.



Family having a picnic at the Saltburn Valley Gardens.