Re-introducing parking charges to be considered as temporary funding comes to an end

RE-INTRODUCING charges for parking is to be considered as temporary funding from the Tees Valley Combined Authority comes to an end.

The end of the funding scheme will leave a £235,000 gap in funding each year and the Council considers it has no other option at the moment to reintroduce charges and is looking at options.

The issue is being considered as part of wider budget concerns caused by a big increase in costs for social care for vulnerable children and adults, inflation and continuing reductions in funding from central government.

The purpose of the TVCA free parking offer was to encourage more people to use town centre shops due to the impact of the Covid pandemic. Now that period has passed TVCA is not willing to extend the free parking offer for future years.

Other longer-term options being considered by the Council are for variation of prices and a wider variation of parking charges in order to provide cheaper parking for residents offset by higher charges for visitors

Councillors will make a decision on which approach to be taken following an assessment of the consultation feedback, which is part of the Traffic Regulation Order making process.

Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Councillor Carl Quartermain, said: “"We welcomed the temporary two year, Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) funding which enabled two hours of free parking at short stay car parks, in Guisborough and Redcar up to the end of May this year. We have continued providing this free parking offer since then, while holding discussions with the TVCA in the hope of them continuing this initiative.

"However, the TVCA have now confirmed that no further funding is available from them to subsidise this offer. At a time when demand for our services is rising, particularly the needs within Childrens and Adult Social Care, and with Government funding continually in decline,  it is not possible for Redcar & Cleveland to continue this offer. We shall therefore be holding a Traffic Regulation Order consultation with a view to reintroducing charges in these car parks.

"We want to encourage the economy and enjoyment in our towns, villages, and retail centres and with this in mind, I will be working with officers on a new Car Parking Strategy over the coming weeks and months, which will in the long-term benefit residents over visitors."