Saltburn parking - statement

Cllr Carl Quartermain, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport said: "We understand why people care so much about protecting the heritage and beauty of the historic resort and town of Saltburn.  The Council has recently completed the restoration of the Albert Memorial and new footpaths within the memorial, and plans to replace both the upper and lower promenade railings shortly.

"We have received consistent feedback from residents, community groups and councillors about the need to address parking problems in the town.

"We held workshops to gauge opinion dating back to 2018 about the best ways to do this, and these proposals – which include the work on Marine Parade – formed a plan, which was agreed by the Council’s Cabinet in March 2021

"The plan will create more than 100 new parking places to alleviate congestion and parking problems as part of a wider, externally-funded £1.2 million programme  to improve the town for both residents and visitors.  The plans, have considered the need to retain the openness of the promenade and ensure the historic viewing platforms and decorative railings kept pride of place.  We also received a welcome reaction to proposals to lower the speed limit for safety reasons.

"Separate to this scheme, the Council is consulting on a much wider Transport Masterplan for the town and we would encourage everyone to give their views on this.

"Work was paused yesterday following some people’s reaction to the plans for Marine Parade.  There was some concern that the work was undermining the consultation on the Transport Masterplan, when, in fact, they are separate schemes.

"The funding for the £1.2m programme to improve the town must be spent within a set time period and any delay in starting the work puts this funding, and the improvements, at risk.

"Therefore, work on the new parking places for Marine Parade is expected to resume tomorrow, initially with resetting of lighting columns.

"All efforts will continue to be made to strike a balance between protecting the heritage of Saltburn and meeting the needs of residents, businesses and tourists, which will provide adequate and safe parking spaces, and ensure everyone continues to enjoy the town."

Funding has come from the Tees Valley Combined Authority.

Please find below a planning map for Marine Parade.