Polling stations

The location of polling stations for the upcoming elections.

25K Youth and Community Centre

Please ensure that you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.
25K Youth & Community Centre Ayton Drive Redcar TS10 4LR United Kingdom

Polling stations open at 7am and will close at 10pm.

Bellamy Pavilion

Please ensure that you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.
Kirkleatham Museum Kirkleatham Lane Redcar TS10 5NW United Kingdom

Belmont Primary School

Please ensure that bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.

Belmont Primary School Lauderdale Drive Guisborough TS14 7ND United Kingdom

Birkdale Drive Community Centre

Please ensure that you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.
Birkdale Drive Community Centre Birkdale Drive Eston TS6 9EB United Kingdom

Boosbeck Community Centre

Please ensure that you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.
Boosbeck Community Centre Oldham Street Boosbeck TS12 3AL United Kingdom

Borough Park Bowling Club

Please ensure that you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.
Borough Park Bowling Club Redcar Lane Redcar TS10 2FD United Kingdom

Brotton Village Hall

Please ensure that you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.
Brotton Village Hall Laburnum Road Brotton TS12 2SH United Kingdom

California Youth Club

Please ensure that you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.
California Youth Centre Guisborough Street Eston TS6 9LA United Kingdom

Christ Church Hall

Please ensure that you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.
Christ Church Hall Kirkleatham Street Redcar TS10 1QY United Kingdom

Cliff Houlding Centre

Please ensure that you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.
Cliff Houdling Centre Park Court Dormanstown TS10 5QY United Kingdom

Coatham Memorial Hall

Please ensure that you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote
Coatham Memorial Hall Coatham Road Redcar TS10 1RH United Kingdom

Dormanstown Library

Please ensure you bring photo ID with you when you come to vote.
Dormanstown Library Farndale Sqaure Dormanstown TS10 5HQ United Kingdom