Environmental Protection

Find information about our Environmental Protection Team and what they are responsible for here.

Construction sites

The site operator has a duty to use appropriate control measures if possible to control and minimise dust and noise emissions.

These sites may be restricted by their planning permission and you should contact the Planning Department to discuss this.

Emergency construction works

Certain types of work must be undertaken in an emergency or during unsocial hours such as repairs to gas supplies or repairs to road and rail network.

Where possible in these situations we would expect the works to be completed swiftly and use advanced publicity to warn residents of the work.

Prior consent

Contractors can make an application for prior approval to undertake noisy construction work. The Council will apply conditions to construction hours, plant and equipment to be used, and noise limits to be adhered to.

To make an application for prior consent please complete and return the application form below:

Contact information

Our service hours are Monday to Thursday 09:00 till 17:00, and Friday 09:00 till 16:30.