North East Procurement Organisation
North East Procurement Organisation
About NEPO
Established in 1976, The North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO) works in partnership with North East Local Authorities and the wider public sector to ensure public sector spending delivers value and drives positive outcomes.
NEPO is governed by a Joint Committee comprising members from the 12 North East Local Authorities, including Redcar & Cleveland.
NEPO aims to obtain the best value solutions on commonly purchased goods and services, deliver savings thereby making a substantial contribution to local government efficiency targets, and saves time and effort by accessing established, compliant framework agreements.
NEPO offers robust, legally compliant procurement vehicles for the public sector that are flexible and meet real commercial needs.
What are the benefits for suppliers?
- A more consistent way of dealing with the public sector customers in the North East.
- An enhanced on-line portal to make it easier to respond to the procurement process.
- A programme of work to help local, smaller, diverse and voluntary sectors improve their relationship with local government.
- A sharper focus on supporting competitive businesses which are capable of growing in the North East, by promoting understanding on how to sell to the wider public sector.
- NEPO Supplier Partnership Programme - a programme of free events for suppliers interested in improving their public sector tendering skills.
If you would like to find more information regarding NEPO please visit the NEPO website where you can review the NEPO Constitution, NEPO member list and NEPO objectives.
If you are interested in receiving information on Contract Opportunities, you can register as a Supplier on Open. Registration is free of charge and guidance on the registration process and using Open can be found on the Open Hub. Please see Open - the new e-procurement platform for more information.
Please contact NEPO if you have any queries or if you are interested in the NEPO Supplier Partnership Programme, contact NEPO by email or call 0191 638 0040.
If you require any technical assistance in relation to Open, please contact Monday to Thursday 08:30 to 17:00 and Friday 08:30 to 16:30.